[Proteintech] Self Antibody Labeling for Flow Cytometry

[Proteintech] Self Antibody Labeling for Flow Cytometry Antibody_Labeling_Kit

Antibody labelin for Flow Cytometry made simple

그동안 제한된 조건에서 진행되었던 Antibody Labeling System 때문에 어려움을 겪으셨나요?

FlexAble Antibody Labeling Kit는 적은 양의 1차 항체 만으로도 loss 없이 10분만에 실험실에서 self conjugation이 가능한 kit 입니다.


  • 모든 제조사의 1차 항체와 호환
  • 최소 0.5 ug의 1차 항체만으로도 가능, No buffer exchange
  • Fast and easy 2-step protocol – ready to use in 10 minutes.
[Proteintech] Self Antibody Labeling for Flow Cytometry CoraLite Plus 650

Flow cytometry of PBMC. 1X106 human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were stained with anti-CD3 (clone UCHT1, Cat# 65151-1-Ig) labeled with FlexAble CoraLite® Plus 650 Kit (Cat# KFA023) and anti-CD4 (clone RPA-T4, Cat# 65143-1-Ig) labeled with FlexAble CoraLite® Plus 750 Kit (Cat# KFA024).

[Proteintech] Self Antibody Labeling for Flow Cytometry CoraLite Plus 405

Flow cytometry of PBMC. 1X106 human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were intracellularly stained with 0.5 µg anti-human P62 (SQSTM1) antibody (Cat# 18420-1-AP) labeled with FlexAble CoraLite® Plus 405 Kit (Cat# KFA006, cyan) or with 0.5 µg isotype control antibody labeled with FlexAble CoraLite® Plus 405 Kit (Cat# KFA006, red).

[Proteintech] Self Antibody Labeling for Flow Cytometry CoraLite Plus 405_FACS

Flow cytometry of PBMC. 1X106 human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were stained with 0.5 ug anti-human CD45 antibody (clone HI30, Cat# 65109-1-Ig) labeled with FlexAble CoraLite® Plus 405 Kit (Cat# KFA026).

[Proteintech] Self Antibody Labeling for Flow Cytometry CoraLite Plus 555_FACS

Flow cytometry of PBMC. 1X106 human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were stained with anti-human CD45 labeled with FlexAble CoraLite® Plus 555 Kit (Cat# KFA002) and anti-CD3 (clone UCHT1, Cat# 65151-1-Ig) labeled with FlexAble CoraLite® Plus 647 Kit (Cat# KFA023).

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