[Cayman] Long COVID: Biomarker and Therapeutic Discovery

Cayman에서 Long COVID를 주제로 발행한 간행물입니다.

이번 Cayman Currents 호에서는 근본적인 병태생리학에 대한 저명한 이론, 다른 post-viral syndrome의 교훈, Long COVID 연구를 가속화하기 위한 Cayman의 제품 및 서비스를 확인하실 수 있습니다.

In This Issue:

  • Cover Article: In It for the Long Haul: Research Tools for Long COVID Syndrome
  • Cayman’s Products to Study:
    • Tools To Study Latent SARS-CoV-2 Infection
    • Tools To Study Autoimmunity
      – Toll-Like Receptor Signaling
      – STING Signaling
    • Tools To Study Excessive Inflammation
      – Platelet Activation, Coagulation, and Thrombosis in COVID-19
      – Inflammatory Lipid Mediators
      – The Cytokine Storm and NETosis
    • Tools To Study Mitochondrial Dysfunction