ATCC Crypreservation 우수사례

Cryopreservation is the use of very low temperatures to structurally preserve intact living cells and tissues. Normally, the freezing of water in cells causes catastrophic damage to cellular structure by physical damage of ice formation and increased imbalance of solutes.

ATCC 세포 유지

[ATCC] Keeping Cells Happy !

Good practices in cell heath are vital to safeguarding the success of long-term cell cultures and obtaining reproducible experimental results.


[NEB TV Episode 3] DNA Amplification

CST NEB TV에피소드 DNA 조립을 위한 애플리케이션

NEB의 NEBbuilder HiFi DNA Assembly master mix 이용해 DNA Assembly하는 방법!

CST Western Blotting 프로토콜

[Cell Signaling Technology] Western Blotting Protocol