[Emulate] Organ-Chips을 이용한 고형암에서의 새로운 CAR T-Cell Therapy Workflow 모델링

이제 Organ-Chip 기술을 고형암 치료를 위한 CAR T-cell therapy에 적용할 수 있습니다. Emulate에서 제시하는 새로운 CAR T-cell therapy workflow에 대해 알아보세요.


Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy shows significant potential in treating various human cancers. Unfortunately, researchers have faced difficulty in adapting this therapy to target solid tumors, where CAR T cells face unique challenges, such as antigen heterogeneity, an immuno-suppressive microenvironment, and T-cell exhaustion.  

However, none of these challenges matter unless the CAR T cells can extravasate out of the blood stream and successfully migrate to the site of the tumor—an often-overlooked yet critical rate-limiting part of the process that cannot be modeled in conventional cell cultures. 

To address this, Emulate has recently launched a validated Organ-Chip workflow enabling researchers to model the entire journey of solid tumor CAR T-cell therapy in a vascularized cancer cell line model. 

In this data-driven webinar, Emulate Principal Scientist Anita Mehta, PhD, demonstrates the capabilities of this new CAR T Organ-Chip workflow in a data-driven webinar. After watching, you will learn how to use Organ-Chips to model CAR T-cell therapy administration, vascular attachment, migration, and antigen-specific killing—all in a single model. Additionally, Luke Dimasi, Sr. Director of Product Management, provides an overview of Emulate Organ-on-a-Chip technology and how it can be used to faithfully model the complexities of human biology across a variety of applications. 

In this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Emulate Organ-on-a-Chip technology and its applications in disease research and drug development. 
  • Modeling CAR T-cell recruitment and solid tumor cell killing in a unified Organ-Chip assay. 
  • Evaluating co-therapeutics to enhance CAR T recruitment and killing efficiency. 
  • Conducting comprehensive CAR T efficacy analysis through techniques such as confocal imaging with automated quantification, effluent analysis of cytokine release, and immune cell extraction and phenotyping. 

아래 Application Note에서는 Emulate Organ-Chips를 사용하여 vascularized cancer cell line 모델에서 고형 종양 CAR-T cell therapy의 전체 과정을 모델링하는 방법을 설명합니다. 지금 다운 받아 보세요.

* 주문 및 견적, 기기 데모 문의는 지사/대리점으로 연락 주세요
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